Thursday, November 27, 2008

Now Thank We all Our God

It’s Thanksgiving and I will be doing all the Thanksgiving family traditions, going to my sister’s house bringing along a variety of foods I’ve prepared for dinner. We meet there every year because she has the room to feed all of us. I slept in, taking advantage of the day off. But this day is set aside for more than sleeping, eating and football. It’s a day to gather together and remember all the goodness we have been blessed with throughout the past year.

We can all tick off the ways we’ve been blessed, but in doing so, we’d forget some of the gifts God has bestowed on us, there being so many, and we’d miss some entirely because we never knew of them. God’s blessings are sometimes unseen. The unknown accident that might have befallen us were it not for divine intervention, the chance meeting of an old friend, the illness we did not contract because of God’s protection. But I will attempt to name just a few of things I am grateful for today:

I am thankful for the love of family; for a loving husband and the blessing of a godly son; for love of faithful friends who have loved me through tough times and laughed with me in the good. I am blessed with good health and a good job. I have a house, that though humble, is nevertheless more than most people in the world have. I am not wealthy, yet I am able to pay my bills and have a little extra after they are paid. I am able to pay for medicines because I am able to afford health insurance. I live in a land with abundant food. I have clean water to drink. Countless people do not. I live in a nation that is free of civil strife and armed warfare. I have been gifted by God to do his will with writing and music, for that I am thankful. I did nothing to earn it, he just gave it.

And what I think most other Christians would say, I am most thankful for the love of God that caused him to send his Son into the world that we might be saved and have eternal life. I rejoice this day that I have had my spiritual debt paid in full, not of my own doing, but by the blood of Jesus. All other blessings are icing on the cake, so to speak.

I pray that your Thanksgiving be a day of rejoicing as you recall to mind all the goodness the Lord has poured out on you. The list is endless, but we have eternity to praise him for each one. Amen!

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