Friday, January 22, 2010

The Winters of Our Lives

In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan,
Earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone;
Snow had fallen, snow on snow, snow on snow,
In the bleak midwinter, long ago.

The words to the old hymn are so true, winter feels endless right now, and for some, their emotional state is bleak. I feel that way at times. The frequent absence of the sun and the cold winds bring me down. I long for spring to come and end this bleak season.

We have seasons in our lives as well and spiritual winters come to us. For reasons unknown, God ordains seasons in our lives and in the winters, the presence of God is absent and we feel abandoned, at least I do. God seems more than a million miles away, I wonder if he is even in the same universe.

But the truth is God has gone no where, his “hibernation” is only temporary to cause us to seek him with passion and fervor. There have been times when I have literally cried my prayers during my winters. It’s a passionate seeking of him, a deep desire to regain seemingly lost communion with him.

Jesus felt abandoned on the cross. It was a winter far beyond what we ever go through. But the result was a promise of an endless summer of his presence, of our beauty and glory because of his death and resurrection, an eternal end to the winters in our lives.

Life will go through a continual cycle until his return for us. We will have bleak winters and summers of abounding joy and growth. But he never abandons us, he is always there, and the promise of his everlasting presence is sure. Look forward to spring. It’s coming and again, we will grow and flourish as the hibernation of his presence ends and joy is ours once more.

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