Sunday, February 10, 2019

Life's Adversities

I'm sitting in a hospital room, by my husband's side. His alarming symptoms yesterday prompted a call for an ambulance and a visit to the ER.

For the record, he's going to be okay. A bad case of vertigo from an inner ear issue. Completely fixable. But he's been miserable and I know exactly what he's going through because I had the same thing happen to me about thirty years ago. I feel bad for him.

Being here takes me back to the bedside visits to my dad and mom. I can't count the number of hospitalizations my father had. So many things went wrong after his heart attack. But the five years they gave him turned into thirty. He was a fighter.

He didn't sit around until near the end. He and my mom delivered food for Meals on Wheels for twenty-five years. Same with working in a food pantry. My father did his best to help get utilities paid and give groceries for a week to desperate people. He judged no one. He just took people at face value and tried to help.

When my son was little, we'd go once a week to help at the food pantry. My son would put donations on the shelves and help put food sacks together. It was a good lesson for both of us. We didn't have much money, but seeing the needs of others gave us compassion and appreciation for the little we did have.

My father's faith fed people and the spiritual lives of both my parents are my heritage. It's also the heritage my son was left with. We both took their deaths hard. They were so alive and served the Lord to the end. The hole that's been left in our hearts is still there.

My father showed my son what honesty, fairness, strength, love and faith looked like in ways only a grandparent can. And my son reflects it. He was with my father that day he died. It was a hard death and I know my son grieved deeply. But my father accepted his manner of going and was brave.

My husband is just like my father in so many ways. They say women marry men like their fathers. Might be some truth to that. He's taking this health issue as well as can be expected. I want my son to know that. And he will. Even more, I see the same attitudes in my son with his health.  He lives with pain daily and yet goes on with life with zest and drive.

What a fortunate woman I am to have lived a life surrounded by men of integrity, whose strength is shown in love. My father, my husband, and my son. I am blessed beyond measure for I have seen the face of Jesus in each of them.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

You and Will are in my thoughts and prayers. If you need anything, I know I am far away, but please let me know. I am very lucky to have you as a friend. God Bless.