Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Waiting for God

I have not kept up with this blog and I have been remiss about it. It’s not that I am too busy or no longer interested in blogging. It’s because I have been suffering from the lack of sleep for sometime now and it has affected my cognitive abilities. In other words, I have had a hard time thinking and trying to put any words together in writing, but I need to try and trying I am.

I have been locked in a battle with my insurance company over trying to get a prescription filled that will help me sleep. It has been weeks and it seems I am making little headway. I am fighting for something I need and it’s been hard going.

Our spiritual life can feel like that at times. I sometimes feel as though I am battling God for things I need. The answers to prayer for urgent needs are not forthcoming and it can be baffling and frustrating. But it isn’t that God is uncaring about my plight. Scripture says He is mindful of us and hears our pleas. When the Israelites cried out in their bondage, God heard and took care of their need, but He did not answer immediately. They had to wait four hundred years for the day of freedom, and that begs the question, “why”?

I don’t think there is one answer to that question. God is inscrutable and His ways and thoughts are not like ours. What I do know is that He seeks for us to trust and be patient, to believe He hears, cares and will answer in due time. In the parable of the woman who daily sought redress from the judge for her need, Jesus taught us to pray and keep praying, because our Father hears and will give us what we need when the time is right.

I don’t pretend to fully understand the answer to this dilemma, but I do know that I have a loving Father who knows I am struggling. He is very aware and will give me what I need at the right time. Until then, I need to be patient and grateful for the grace He extends to help me during the wait. He will come through for me, of this I am certain. It is His very character that is the assurance that He loves and cares for us in our times of need. The answer is coming. I just need to keep the faith.


Musings of a Creative Writer said...

You're in mt prayers.

I am writer7489 from MDJunction: Bipolar Support group.


Anonymous said...

I hope, it's OK