Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Inheritance We Leave for our Children

I woke up much earlier than I wanted to this morning, but in the quiet place of aloneness, I started looking through my son’s West Point graduation photos, and soon tears were running down my cheeks. It doesn’t seem that long ago that I was taking him to his first day of kindergarten. He is a grown man now, an officer in the U.S. Army.

The photos reminded me once again of how proud I am of him, and the joy I have in his successes.  From the time he was born, I knew he was destined for good things. And indeed, God has been good to him. With the abundant grace of God, my husband and I have never fought or yelled, threatened divorce, or any number of things that leave children scarred and unsteady when it comes to loving another person. All they know is what has been modeled, and God gave me a man who has endless patience and who loves me in spite of all the craziness I have brought to our marriage.

My son, my precious son, was a true gift from God to us. The intensity of my love for him cannot be put in words other than I would lay down my life for him. We chose his name because it means “Gift of Jehovah.”  My pride in his work ethic, his honesty, his striving to do his best always, and his determination to make a difference in the world that surrounds him, overflows and I wonder how he managed to turn out the way he did in spite of living with a bipolar mother. I cannot remember what and when the assignment was, but he said his hero was his father. That didn’t surprise me because he has been a rock in our family, showing what being a man of God looks like.

I know without a doubt he also loves me. I quit a good paying job to rear him myself. I didn’t want strangers with differing ideals taking care of him. It was a huge financial step backwards for us, but I knew that was what God wanted and my husband agreed. Somehow we made it, even though on paper it looked impossible. Yes, between that and keeping our son in private parochial schools throughout his primary and secondary schooling gave him a shot at his dream of going to West Point. He had a very good education, and though we spent money that could have been set aside for retirement, it was worth every penny to make sure he got the best education he we could provide for him. Because we willingly sacrificed for him, we have faith God will somehow help us make it through our retirement years.

Our children are gifts and to be treasured and loved unconditionally to demonstrate God’s love toward his people. So, I cling to the promise from Proverbs that says if we train up a child in the ways of God, when he is old, he will not depart from him. Love your children and grandchildren while they are within your reach to show them the ways of God. They listen and hide away those words and actions in their hearts. Pray fervently for them should they stray. They will come back. I strayed for fifteen years, and my parents prayed for me daily. God heard and answered their prayers and I returned to the fold. Now I can never go back to life without faith. I recognize how much I need the Lord. That is the best inheritance we could possibly leave to our son. It was the inheritance I received from my parents. There is no greater gift we can leave to our children.

Faith, hope and love, but the greatest of these is love. Give all three to your children, but remember that love will make faith and hope firmly rooted in their hearts. The baby I bore 25 years ago is no longer under my direct care, but my love never wavers, nor do my prayers. God is faithful to his children’s children, and no matter how far they may drift, God will draw them back. You should find comfort in that, for God loves them far more than we possibly can, and in his hand where no one can snatch them they will remain. And the model of faith and love you have shown them will be the same they give to their children. God had declared that he is faithful to the generations of those who fear him. What an incredible promise. Hang on to it. He showers the children of his children with love and grace, for he demonstrated his love and mercy to us when his only Son endured the cross of death for us. What more can be said?

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