Wednesday, January 6, 2016

One More Lesson Learned

In my first post of the new year I wrote about my lost blog and how frustrated I was. I also said I had prayed about it and no answer had come. I finally accepted the situation and was at peace about it and was moving on when the continued help I was getting from someone at a help forum associated with Blogspot suggested something I had not tried. As you can see, I have regained access to my blog of eight years!

It is another reinforcement of how God sometimes delays answers to prayers. He does sometimes say no, but there are times when a yes is not immediate. When Lazarus, the brother of Mary and Martha fell desperately ill, Jesus delayed going to him. He delayed long enough that Lazarus died. The gospel account of what happened is an object lesson of a delayed yes to prayer because even though there is no written record of prayers being offered for Lazarus by those nearest him, I think it's reasonable to think he was prayed for and with earnestness. It must have seen like a no when Lazarus died.  Yet Jesus indicated it was for the glory of  God that he had delayed. As the familiar story goes, Jesus commanded Lazarus to come forth and he was raised from the dead. Prayers were answered with a yes.

My blog prayer hardly compares to the resurrection of Lazarus, but the lesson is the same. I decided God said no to my old blog so I determined to start over. It was a delayed response and I believe it was to show me something about myself. I was impatient and finally threw in the towel, but it wasn't a fatalistic response. I accepted it and was prepared to start over. That eye opener helped mitigate the guilty feelings over my impatience and frustration.

God isn't surprised by our negative reactions to circumstances that sometimes occur in our lives. But like the son in the bible who first said no to his father's request then changed his mind and followed through, it's our final obedience that matters. As we mature we respond with immediate obedience in some situations, but it is a lifelong lesson as opportunities crop up to help us learn the obedience of Christ.

I am grateful God is not through with me. I hate it when I stumble. But God  reminds me I am still his child and even lovable in his opinion in spite of it. And that is comforting for me. It should be a comfort for everyone who sometimes find waiting for answers to prayer not always easy. God's not through with you either.

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