Friday, May 12, 2017

A Prayer for this day or for a Lifetime.

Lord, do not let me be an ill-prepared foolish virgin, but let me be a wise one, fully prepared to meet my Bridegroom and Lord. Please do not find me wandering on my own and then facing you with un-repented sin. Don’t let my building in this life go up in smoke and ashes as one whose works are in vain because they were not done for you and through you. Don’t let me be found a stranger, not having spent more time in prayer and seeking your face daily.

Holy, merciful King, give me a grateful heart to always be thankful for all you have freely bestowed on me. Clean, accessible water, so much food that I never hunger, a warm house filled with things to make my life easier and being able to read and write as well as having a level of health that keeps me fit. There are literally billions on the planet who do not have these things. I do not live in a war-torn country, while millions flee for refuge, with just the clothes on their backs, to lands where they do not know the language or customs. I do not struggle with persecution for my faith beyond being laughed at sometimes or being harangued by someone who wants to debate to show me as ignorant.  No one threatens me with torture or prison, or even death for my faith in you, Lord. Forgive me for my sense of ease as I enjoy all my blessings, which you gave me, but not before I am prepared to be a giver as you are. You gave up all for me. Shall I not do the same?

I don’t feel as though you are telling me to sell all my possessions and go where you lead, but am I clinging too tightly to my material wealth, however meager it may be compared to the wealth of others? Am I too afraid to go talk to that elderly gentleman sitting by himself hanging his head in the cafĂ©. Should his loneliness and hunger matter to me? If I quiet the racing thoughts and grow still within me I know it matters.  My feet should obey and lead me over to his table to share a cup of coffee, a plate of food, and gentle words with him.

You were not blind to injustice when you walked on earth. You exposed it everywhere you went. Yet America is rife with injustice, inequality, racism and a new democracy run by the love of mammon, and what you clearly said about money is we cannot serve two masters. Mammon says take, not give. You, O Lord, tell me to give just as the widow with two tiny coins did, all she had for the day.

“He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8.

Lord, you know this was my mother’s favorite verse in the whole bible. Memories surface now and then that show she lived by that verse. I have many verses that speak deeply to my heart, but something tells me to take this verse as her scriptural legacy.  To counter injustice with justice, to love kindness and extend it especially to those who don’t appear to deserve it. They need it. Then as painful as it may be, strip away all pretense toward you and cause me to see me as you do. My eyes will run with tears for the many failures and sins; yet you seem to see something entirely different: a diamond in the rough. Take me, mold me, use me. Help me to walk freely knowing you have made me holy just as you are, but even more, help me to walk humbly, not just anywhere I head, but to walk humbly with you. To place my tiny hand in yours and walk your direction, to follow your lead.

So, this day and each day to come, let me be a pure vessel for your use, however you see fit. In my submission and obedience will you find your honor and glory.  For all who are called by you are made clean through the blood of the crucified King, who lives again and is able to give life and forgive sins. To him alone is the Name above all names, Lord of lords, King of kings, and the great
                                           I AM. 

Amen and amen.

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