Monday, September 6, 2021

The Providence of God

 A great deal has transpired since my last post. The major event being my husband's bypass and valve replacement open heart surgery. It's no small thing to have your sternum sawn through and ribs pried apart. The recovery is slow and painful. He was in the hospital for five days and basically so was I. I've been caring for him, but now he's able to get around and in another week he'll be cleared to lift more than ten pounds. Wired closed, it takes roughly six weeks for the sternum to fuse back together. I understand how difficult recovery can be after shattering my leg last year. 

My son came home and helped for a couple weeks which was a Godsend. He walked with his dad and worked on projects around the house to help out. My church family provided meals for several weeks. I was exhausted and stressed, but through it all was greatly blessed by those who stepped up to help. Will's color and energy level are slowly improving. It takes three to six months to recoup from such a major surgery, but he will feel so much better soon with the improved circulation.

To do bypass surgery and valve replacement, they stop the heart and the patient is utterly dependent on a machine to stay alive. The risk is the heart may not restart. Will made an advanced directive and I and my son were to carry out his wishes should he be left on life support. It was a long three-and-a-half-hour surgery, but it went textbook perfect. 

Many prayers were sent up by friends, family, and church members. It was a comfort knowing it was in God's hands no matter what the outcome. Of course, I wanted him to live. My life would be upended with his death, but I have the sure faith God is with me through all life presents. I don't always understand circumstances, but I know God is love, God is faithful, and God is gracious, rich in tender mercies. 

I can rejoice in the outcome, but had it turned out differently, though it would have been so very hard, I would have trusted in God's plan. I and my family are in his care and keeping. I will leave us in his hands. There is safety there and assurance of a future hope beyond our present. And for that, I am so very grateful. 


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