Tuesday, June 22, 2021

You Are Watched Over

I have a bible app on my phone that I use daily. Yes, I still have an actual bible, but this I can carry with me everywhere. Bible Gateway is the app and I highly recommend it. I use the free version and it's a powerful tool that gives many versions of the bible, old and new. Each day I am greeted with a verse for the day, as well as the daily bible reading plan I have set up. 

Today's bible verse comes from the Book of Psalms: The Lord will keep you from all harm--he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. 121:7-8. NIV. When I read it, I immediately wanted to share the good news of God's providential care for us. Most us of know the verse or the at least the gist of it. But do we really believe it when so many bad things happen to people. 

I don't pretend to understand the evil that befalls us sometimes. To this day, I don't understand why I was victimized in a terrifying home invasion. I still suffer some PTSD from it though years have passed. I still occasionally feel a sense of not being safe in my home behind locked doors. But the verse that was chosen for today reminds me that God protects. I survived the ordeal. It could have been deadly. It left me shaken, but not knocked out for the count. 

I have peace more often than not. God has me hemmed in. He goes before me and brings up the rear. He's to my right and to my left. He's above me and below. I am encased in his loving embrace and nothing can tear me out of his arms. That's encouraging when darkness appears to rule. 

I have no idea what is in my future nor the futures of those whom I love and care about. There could be tragedy. I hope not. But God's care is with us throughout our lives. Whatever we face, we do not stand alone. The omnipresent God of hope is watching over us and keeps our souls safe no matter what may happen. Bad things happen sometimes. Such is our current state but take heart. You are held in the hands of the Almighty. You cannot be snatched away and that is a comforting thought.


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