Sunday, April 16, 2023

Owing the Debt of Love

 Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. Romans 13:8 NIV.

Every day, in addition to my year-round bible reading, I'm greeted with a daily verse to start my day. Invariably, it's something that hits home. The new testament has many references to money and how to handle it. Jesus stressed what our attitude should be toward it, to remember, God is the provider and we cannot serve money and God. One will claim our hearts to the exclusion of the other. 

It's so easy to worry about where the money will come from to pay bills and put food on the table with rampant inflation. It's even more stressful when we have debt hanging over us. Some debt is incurred through no fault. I  have a large debt from foundation repair on my house that absolutely had to be done. So we have a monthly payment that is pretty sizable. It couldn't be avoided. Some debt is due to wants and not needs. For those debts, I have repented and have prayed for merciful provision with the promise to be a better steward of what God gives. 

I felt overwhelmed by all of it and for a short time stopped tithing, but things weren't getting any better. I couldn't get any headway in getting out of debt. But then I was reminded of the scripture that says to bring the whole tithe into the storehouse and test God by it and see how he will provide. So, once again I began giving ten percent of all my income. On paper, it didn't look like such a good idea. But God said to do it and expect him to be faithful. 

Along with tithing, I determine to cut expenses to all that was needed and to forgo a lot of wants. Slowly, but surely I am almost out of credit card debt. Then that money will be turned to retiring the foundation repair with some extra to save. I don't know how it happened, but now I have extra to give to those in need. It's God's money, not mine. As soon as I came to understand that, things began to change. Yes, I don't have a set monthly clothing budget, nor do I eat out much. I would love to get a new couch, but those are not necessities. They are wants that can wait until I don't have to go into debt to get them. 

But that isn't the whole verse. If I do not love others freely, and focus solely on my financial needs, I am missing the whole point. My true debt is to love the people God puts in my life. And that includes helping them as I am able. Most of all, it fulfills the law like Jesus did with his sacrificial love. I believe we have to pay our debts and that may require extra effort to do so. But tithing during that time will show our abiding faith in God's provision for us. Jesus said God knows we need clothing, food, and shelter, but to seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added. But, I'm not going to deny how hard that is when you're staring at a stack of bills and it seems insurmountable. 

Yet God's promises are true. Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse. Whether it be to your church or divided up among different ministries that help others who suffer from want. That scripture is the only place in the bible where we are told to test God. I don't know what other unexpected expenses are going to be incurred by me through no fault, but as long as I give to the kingdom work and love others with the love of God, I believe he will provide.

This isn't the prosperity gospel, which is heresy. It is obeying and believing God doesn't lie. 

God willing, I will continue to obey in the future when finances get rocky again because they will. And I do not expect to get wealthy. No matter that I tithe, my fixed income will never make that possible. But I can find purpose and growing faith in believing I am just a steward of what is essentially God's money. 

Maybe ten percent is too hard a reach for now. This entry is NOT intended to shame or induce guilt or place pressure. God doesn't do that. Start where you are and give two percent, or five percent, and work your way toward ten. Giving will be rewarded. And pray for peace in the face of a mountain of debt. God understands and will comfort you as he gives you wisdom on how to get out from under it. 

God wants you to be free from the pressures the world experiences. Test him and see. Most of all always be in debt to love. Time, which includes intersession in prayer for others, and talent given in love is a sweet fragrance to God and will not be overlooked by him. 

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