Wednesday, May 10, 2023

God Knows Us

 And you, my son Solomon, acknowledge the God of your father and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches every heart and understands every desire and every thought. If you seek him, he will be found by you; (1 Chronicles 28:9 NIV)

As I read this passage this morning, an intense sense of the heart of God's attention to us washed over me. I felt both trepidation and peace and my heart's response was to cry. My fear was based on the Oh no. God knows all my unChristian thoughts and motives. Yet the peace that came was greater. This verse is a promise. God is accessible to us knowing all about us and that is based on the saving sacrifice of Jesus.

This was an exhortation from David under an old covenant, yet the promise was there. He will be found if sought. Yes, he searches our hearts and minds. He knows us intimately; better than we can know ourselves. We overlook our true condition so easily. We whitewash our thoughts. We deceive ourselves. We are motivated in ways that are not always clear to ourselves, let alone others. While that is quite sobering, it is also a source of comfort. He knows us. 

So many of our thoughts, desires, and heart motives are the result not only of our original fallen state but also the things that have affected us in our life's journey. Childhood experiences, the sins committed against us, and the pain and hurts in life, whether caused by others or self-inflicted, are influencing us. We are all broken in ways that are at times only understood by God. His ultimate desire is to heal our brokenness and to be found as we seek him.

Jesus lived a hard life among us and saw firsthand what we experience living in this world. He was God with us. His understanding should bring us hope, not fear that causes us to pull away from him. He loves us in spite of our sometimes unGodly thoughts, desires, and motives. He sees with mercy what has caused our broken ways. Yes, we should repent when the Holy Spirit convicts us by showing us the truth when we miss the mark, but it isn't to condemn. It is to transform us into Christlikeness. What a welcome thought! 

I want to be open to his searching light and trust he loves me enough to care what I think and feel because I want to be like Jesus. He wants that for me even more. Take time to read Psalm 139:1-18 today and feel peace from knowing God knows you.

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