Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Relationships Matter

There is probably nothing more precious than relationship with others. And nothing is more important for relationship than communication. It’s the glue that binds us together as we interact with one another. When communication fails, then relationships go awry. Assumptions are made, words misspoken, wrong attitudes taken and all because of broken communication.

Recently, I found myself in a situation in which communication broke down. It was no one person’s fault, but it happened all the same and feelings were raw and assumptions were made that didn’t have to happen—all because we did not talk.

When we finally did talk, the air was cleared, emotions were validated; and misunderstandings were straightened out. Though not everyone was in agreement when all was said and done, we agreed to disagree, and love prevailed as will happen if all parties want to keep relationships strong and vital.

God is love and those who love him love each other. That is the hallmark of Christianity. Unity does not mean that all will agree on every issue, but if all seek God’s will then we will stand together in one accord in the desire to carry the good news of Jesus death and resurrection. That is how love works. Every aspect of our relationships is important to God and the Holy Spirit actively works in our hearts and minds to keep our love for one another strong. What God wants is to see us loving one another even we don’t agree on all issues.

There are issues that are non-negotiable, the tenants of the Christian faith, but as the saying goes, in essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things charity. All the parties involved allowed love to rule the day and in the end relationships were maintained and I believe were strengthened too.

I love those God has placed in my life and will do whatever it takes to insure that the relationships God has granted will grow and flourish. Love will rule the rule the day and all will be richer for it. For that I am grateful and praise God for making it all possible.


Anonymous said...

Communication and the love of God is powerful medicine. I've seen it too. Thanks for explaining it so well, Susan.


Pastor Lyn said...

Amen, brothers and sisters! There is also a divine communication that is promised and deelivered in the Holy Spirit. I reflect on Romans 8:26-27, as the Spirit groans in us when we cannot communicate, and can bind people together, in Him. When human feelings are raw, and relationships are strained, I rely on the the Spirit in me to lift us to higher ground and deeper friendship.