Friday, October 23, 2009

Resisting the Good

Lately I’ve been having trouble sleeping. I am a chronic insomniac, have been for the past twenty years. I’ve been though all the sleep drugs and, of course, all the remedies that folks have suggested. None have worked until recently when a new drug was tried. I had been sleeping like a baby until the past couple weeks. I might already be developing resistance to the drug which will be depressing if that is the case. I hope not.

I’ve had resistance to other things in my life, too, some that should be resisted, but others are not such a good idea. I’ve resisted the effort to lose weight at times. I’ve resisted exercising. I’ve resisted turning the TV off more often. All these and more are things that I really shouldn’t resist. But there are those things that are vital to my emotional and spiritual well being that I should not resist, yet have at times.

I’ve resisted prayer, reading the Bible and spending time with others. I resisted taking medications for my bipolar disorder for quite some time, feeling taking them meant I was a defective failure. The truth of the matter is that resistance to those things that will benefit me will hurt me in the long run. But it will also hurt others as I am not at my best physically, emotionally and spiritually. That should be a great motivator for me to do rather than resist.

The reasons for resisting are varied, but none are excuses for neglecting to do what is right and seeking God for the desire to do right. My resistance should be directed toward those things that harm not aid. If I do not resist sin in my life I will find myself resisting God in my life, which is disastrous for a Christian.

We all need to take stock of our lives and take an honest accounting of what we may be resisting right now. It matters greatly for our well being and for our relationships with others and with God. Resisting what God has for us is to miss the opportunity to grow, and in the end, it is to our sorrow if that is the case. Resisting the wonderful grace of God might mean his plan for our good in some instances may not come to pass and who wants that? I know there are some things in my life that I am not resisting anymore and I need to feel good about that. But I also know there are a couple things I need to stop resisting and to ask for greater grace to accept and do them. In the end, I will never regret doing them; I will regret the failure to do so. It’s my choice.

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