Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Called to Action

 Once again, I'm struggling with the current state of America. The Covid-19 death rate, the economy, the violence and unrest. The decline in world leadership and status, the rise of white supremacist groups, and the increasing disparity of wealth distribution. For the first time in my life, I fear for the existence and future of American democracy. The world is looking at America increasingly as failing.

I have thought of the words of David when he asked himself, "Why are you downcast my soul? Why so disquieted? Hope in God." He faced all manner of troubles in his life, and many were political in nature. Jesus faced politics as well, within the religious institution, and living under Roman rule. In fact, Christians have faced political backlash throughout the church's existence. Sometimes simply praying, sometimes standing up and saying "no more."

I think of Dietrich Bonhoeffer who spoke out against the Nazi government and was hung as a result just before the Germans surrendered. I think of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. who faced down racist resistance and was assassinated. I could name others, but for the sake of brevity I won't. Both spoke out against ungodly governance. They were anointed individuals for their eras. They carried out God's call on their lives and paid the price. 

I think God is calling some now to stand up to ungodly governance. There are Christian voices saying enough. And it's not just about America, it's countries throughout the world who have governments who rule for the few and not the many. Where wealth and power sway all decisions and the environment is sullied and destroyed. We are all called to pray, but some are called to nonviolent action. I would be among the protesters who are marching against racism were it not for my leg. But I can vote and write emails and I do. 

In this time of national turmoil, I will think of David's words and hope in God. I will remember I am a citizen of a kingdom that is ruled from heaven. But I will also be an active participant in our democracy and work for peace and justice. I will not be silent nor complicit in systemic racism or inequity in education, financial security, or healthcare. I will try to walk humbly with my God, but I will stand up for the disenfranchised and poor. I will no doubt step on toes, but it will not be intentional to cause harm. 

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